About Me

My older daughter had been in the "daycare" scene since she was 4 months old. I was not satisfied with the care she was given either by daycare homes or childcare centers. When I found out I was going to have another baby, I knew I could not do the "daycare" scene again...not with another one. I decided to work toward getting my daycare license. I opened my daycare business in February 1997, six months after my second child was born. It was one of the best decisions I personally made in my life. I was not only able to see my own child grow, learn and develop in front my eyes, I also got to see children from other families do the same. I have been very blessed to have been given this opportunity to be a part of my daycare families and their children. I hope to be able to continue to provide the same quality of daycare for many more years to come.